Enjoy clubhouse amenities at the community center including: a full gym, aerobics, two swimming pools, spa, tennis courts, business center, kiln, cards, billiards, library, and much more. Springfield is Placer County's premier senior retirement community for the Active Adult 55+ . Springfield is close to recreational facilities, many walking paths and bike trails, lots of shopping, restaurants, entertainment, banks, major hospitals and medical care. Located in South Placer County, Rocklin is characterized by rolling terrain with panoramic views of the Sierra Nevada mountains to the northeast, and the Sutter-Butte mountain range in the west. Experience amazing sunsets and views in Springfield, nestled among the breathtaking scenery that distinguishes this region. The City of Rocklin, with a current population of approximately 51,000, is the second largest by population in Placer County and only 20 miles from Sacramento. Rocklin is the place to live if you enjoy friendly people, newer neighborhoods and amenities, and moderate climate with sunny days and mild winters.
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real estate agent and the designated contact person for Springfield At Whitney Oaks by Retirenet.com Please verify all information prior to purchasing.
Real Estate Agent | Lic. # 01425896
I'm a licensed Real Estate Broker selling homes full time in Placer County since 2004. Consistently ranked in the Top 1% for Roseville and Placer County based on sales volume ...
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