Are you looking for a home with a Lakeview an ample natural light? This residence features a spacious 12 x 20 rear deck that overlooks Lake Evelyn, providing over 1,170 square feet of living space. It includes a fully enclosed lanai with an unobstructed view, and with only one neighbor, you can enjoy a high level of privacy. The home comes partially furnished and offers a clear view of the lake, allowing plenty of opportunities to observe local wildlife. With roomy bedrooms and additional storage, this property is truly a dream come true. In addition, there is a storage shed and an art studio located on the side of the home. From the Main Suite, you can enjoy views of the illuminated fountains in the center of both lakes at night while relaxing in your private hot tub on the back deck. The enclosed four-season lanai also features a custom-built bar at one end. Call today to schedule your appointment to view this fabulous home!
1801 SE Governors Blvd Crystal River, FL 34429
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