PRICE ADJUSTMENT FOR A QUICK SALE! Elevate your lifestyle with this unique Plantation Beach model. This energy-efficient house is also fitted with solar, saving on those rising utility bills. There's so much space in this 1280 sq. ft. home. Imagine waking up to incredible views from your massive back porch, a dream fulfilled! Bring your BBQ because the patio gives plenty of room for those larger gatherings. The finished garage already has shelving in place for easy organizing. Transom windows invite a bounty of light, making this home bright and cheery! Besides the lakefront views, the thoughtfully conceived kitchen wraps around an impressive island large enough to dine at. With all this and plenty of cabinets, you will surely love to entertain here. Home features an upgraded Master ensuite and second bedroom with easy access to a full second bath. There is also a den with views you can't deny. Included are a washer and dryer, but there's much more! Come and see this gorgeous home today! See our website for more photos and video walk-throughs. *Square footage is approximate; prices & specifications are subject to change without notice. This is a re-sale home on Lot 94.
Finished oversixed attached 20car garage, beautifully landscaped, Large concrete driveway, sidewalks and back patio for you BBQ. HOme has been fitted with Solar to save money on your monthly bills. This home is located on a lot in the exclusive active lifestyle 55+ community of Plantation Oaks of Ormond Beach. No real estate property taxes on your home. We also mow and irrigate the lawn, so you have more time to enjoy all our amenities and life.
2451 Hopsewee Ave Ormond beach, FL 32174
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