In a picturesque oak grove along the Braden River, Horseshoe Cove RV Resort, Bradenton, FL provides guests and residents with a 5-star luxury lifestyle in this active 55+ Retirement Community. From our 12-acre private island park with its lighted fishing pier, to our nature trails and screened-in picnic pavilion, Horseshoe Cove more than earns its reputation as the highest-rated RV park in Bradenton, Florida.
If you love the idea of being a short drive from some of the best beaches Florida has to offer, Bradenton might be the right place for you. Surrounded by fresh and salt water spanning from the Gulf of Mexico to Tampa Bay, you are always able to get out and enjoy the waves. Bradenton has warm winters and summers, so loving the "Sunshine State" is a must! Just a short drive to major cities including Sarasota, St. Petersburg, and Tampa- you will never run out of things to do. Bradenton offers a wide array of activities such as golf, museums, the farmers market, art shopping, parks, and so much more. Check out Horseshoe Cove - Sun Communities in Bradenton, one of the many 55+ Active Adult Communities on!
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