Beautiful is described in Websters Dictionary as the quality in a thing that gives pleasure to the senses or spirit – and that description embodies this 2005 Cavaco Double Wide 2-bedroom 2 bath with option for den or craft room. When you enter the first thing you see is the lovely, vaulted ceilings throughout and the wonderful feeling of openness and entertainment. The rooms have lots and lots of windows and great light for your enjoyment during the day. The kitchen abuts the dining room area, so you will not feel left out of any conversations with your guests. There is also a bonus room directly across the main living room area to rejuvenate an old hobby or start new ones. Both bedrooms are located at the back of the unit for a cozy night’s sleep. The guest bath has a tub shower combo, and the master bathroom is very large and has a walk-in shower, and separate enclosure for the toilet. All appliances will remain with the home, including washer and dryer. There is a great ramp at the front of the home for easy access, and a shed for all your extras. Refrigerated Air will keep you comfortable in the summer. This home is located within an active 55+ community, with lots of amenities to enjoy and possibility make some new friends.
7112 Pan American Fwy NE #137 Albuquerque, NM 87109
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