Dr. Matthew Edlund, MD, MOH
Found in: Mental Health
Depression is one version of hell on earth, and Americans have a lot of it. Only France ranks higher in a study of depression. With our tottering health care system and vigorous arguments that antidepressants are useless, what are people to do?
Dr. Matthew Edlund, MD, MOH
Many who have been diagnosed with depression are on a laundry list of medications, and in hard economic times want to do something on their own. What can they do to get better, particularly without medications, by themselves? Lots.
Dr. Matthew Edlund, MD, MOH
Found in: Cardiac Health
Why do people get sick? This question has been debated for several thousand years. Classicial literature from Greece to India portrays deaths caused by romantic rupture and familial separation. Now some biological answers may be forthcoming.
Jed Diamond, PhD, LCSW
Found in: Mental Health
Therapeutic lifestyle changes are simple, safe, and effective at treating depression. The drug companies probably won't tell you about them...but they could save your life. Here are six simple strategies you can implement today.
Jed Diamond, PhD, LCSW
Found in: Stress, Mental Health
Job loss contributes greatly to the stress of aging, and can make men listless, angry, and withdrawn. This "Irritable Male Syndrome" can cause great harm to relationships...but it can also be understood and successfully treated.
Jed Diamond, PhD, LCSW
Found in: Mental Health
Depression causes serious problems in both men and women. However, millions of men don't recognize they have depression, and suffer needlessly.