Leigh Anne Jasheway
I love watching ballroom dancing. The graceful movement, the teamwork between partners, the costumes that are so over-the-top. Ballroom dancing is art, really. But just as with art, the world is better off with me as a spectator than a participant.
Leigh Anne Jasheway
We humans naturally turn our anger, frustration, annoyance, and irritation into laughter. Eventually. Some of the funniest stories we tell on ourselves were things that got our goat (or llama or alpaca, whichever you choose) when they happened.
Leigh Anne Jasheway
Laughter is vital for your survival and sanity. It reduces blood pressure, improves your immune system, increases good cholesterol, helps reduce headaches and other pain, lets us think more clearly, creates stronger emotional bonds, and so much more.
Leigh Anne Jasheway
Hi, my name is Leigh Anne and I am a Holiday-a-holic. I celebrate all the winter holidays to excess. I hum carols in July. I’m here today to admit that I have a problem and to begin a 12-Step program for the holiday-addicted.
Leigh Anne Jasheway
Lately, coupons scare me. Not the ones that show up in the newspaper on Sunday—those I love. The frightening coupons are those that print out as you finish checking out at the grocery store. Those give me the heebie-jeebies!
Leigh Anne Jasheway
Scientists recently reported that today’s humans almost all have a little Neanderthal in them. This is, I believe, the reason most of us eventually resort to plucking our eyebrows—we know deep down in our DNA that we won’t look good with a unibrow.
Leigh Anne Jasheway
Once upon a time man invented fire. At which point he sat back, admired his handiwork, and wished he had a fermented beverage of some kind so he could celebrate. Woman, on the other hand, was skeptical. So it began.
Leigh Anne Jasheway
Spell-check doesn’t think “imperfectionists” is a word. It’s okay with “imperfectionist,” but make the world plural and oh no, it’s got a red line under it! That cracked me up. I guess there’s only one imperfectionist in the world and I am it!
Leigh Anne Jasheway
The word “improv” scares people. To most, the idea of getting up in front of an audience and making up stuff on the spur of the moment seems like a form of torture instead of a fun way to pass a few hours while learning important life skills.
Leigh Anne Jasheway
Found in: Lawn and Garden
Hi, my name is Leigh Anne and I am a perennial-a-holic. I used to think I was just a social gardener, but more and more lately, I do it when I'm alone. I often buy perennials before noon and sneak them out of the car when no one is looking.