Adrienne Muralidharan
How’s your Medicare coverage working out for you so far this year? Does your plan feel like the right plan for you? If you’re not feeling happy with your coverage, you may have a new option: switching to a five-star Medicare Advantage plan.
Adrienne Muralidharan
We’ve gone over the basics of traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans. So now the key question: which is right for you? There’s no single, correct answer to this question. It all depends on what you want and need in a health plan.
Adrienne Muralidharan
Part I covered the basics of traditional Medicare, and the extra insurance you might want if you choose this type of Medicare coverage. Now let’s learn about the other path you can choose—Medicare Advantage, sometimes called Part C.
Adrienne Muralidharan
Confused about Medicare? If so, you’re not alone. This is the first in a series of articles that explains things to consider as you choose your coverage.
Editorial Staff
For 66 million Americans, taking care of an aging, seriously ill or disabled family member or friend is a part of daily life. Fortunately there are numerous online resources that can make the process easier, begining with “Ask Medicare.”
Editorial Staff
Found in: Home Care
If you’re one of the 66 million Americans who care for an aging, disabled or seriously-ill family member or friend, you’re probably run ragged trying to keep up. Now, a handy online source can help make your life a lot easier.
Adrienne Muralidharan
Medicare’s annual enrollment is early this year. That means you’ll be able to switch plans from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, 2011. It’s a good idea to review your coverage to make sure you’re in a plan that fits you well.