Lin Schreiber
Found in: Retirement
A lot of the US working population can’t wait to retire. But if you’re looking forward to having no timetables, and have nothing definite planned, you could be headed for real trouble. You need to thrive, not merely survive, this next stage of life.
Nancy Muir
Found in: Computers & Technology
Have you noticed that what used to get done with software installed on a computer is now getting done online? That’s because a phenomenon known as Cloud computing has taken hold, and that means opportunities to expand your horizons...absolutely free!
Lin Schreiber
Found in: Retirement
You yearn to be free of old constraints and to do work that makes a difference in people’s lives. You long to uncover the parts of yourself that have been long buried. You’re hungry for more balance. And, you want it all yesterday. Right? Slow down.
Lin Schreiber
Found in: Retirement
You’ve probably heard most of them before. They seem like well-meaning retirement advice, but beware: these illusions, delusions and downright lies about retirement can be dangerous to your retirement well-being.
Donald C. Strauss and Diane B. Burman
Found in: Mental Health, Retirement
Men often see retirement as an end goal, a sort of “holy grail.” Once there, whether attained at a specified time, for example at age 65, or thrust upon them through forced termination at an earlier unplanned stage, the result is the same—“Now what?”
Lin Schreiber
Found in: Retirement
While a retirement coach isn't absolutely, positively necessary to a successful and enjoyable retirement, having one can help you ease into your new life more smoothly. Since when is help a bad thing?
Nancy Muir
Found in: Computers & Technology
Strong passwords are vital to online security. Many people are intimidated password creation, because the passwords seem difficult to come up with and less easy to remember. However, learning a few simple rules and tricks makes it simpler.
Donald C. Strauss and Diane B. Burman
Found in: Retirement
Statistics paint a bleak picture for retirement...yet even with the current economy, you can still create a happy, fulfilling future. The formula for “having it all” is not what the financial firms and magazines generally would have you believe.
Lin Schreiber
Found in: Retirement
Clinging to the past is not the way to successfully make the transition to retirement. While it can be scary to walk away from the identity you carried for so many decades, there are some excellent ways you can avoid a serious identity crisis.
Sue Johnson
Found in: Grandparenting
Here are ten tips that can help make the holidays you spend with your grandchildren more memorable—and stress-free—for all concerned.