With over 150 miles of trails, a vibrant Main Street, and a wealth of outdoor recreational amenities, Lakewood Ranch,Florida is ideal for active retirement. Within this 17,500-acre master-planned 55community, Del Webb builds new home designs offering smart features that enhance the lifestyle you love.
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The information regarding Del Webb Lakewood Ranch has not been vetted or approved by the subdivision developer or homeowners association, and Retirenet.com is not affiliated
with the developer(s) or homeowners association of Del Webb Lakewood Ranch. Any information you submit is distributed directly to a Retirenet.com Team Agent, who is a licensed
real estate agent and the designated contact person for Del Webb Lakewood Ranch by Retirenet.com Please verify all information prior to purchasing.
Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage | Lic. # SL694319/SL3395032
We are a husband and wife team with more than 20 years in the Real Estate Industry and Larry has been licensed in Florida since 2000. We are committed to ...
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